From the Pastor's Desk!

Senior Pastor Richard L. Lewis
“I look up to the hills, but where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Ps 121:1-2
When we look around the world today, we can find ourselves getting discouraged because of all to the bad things that we see happening around the globe. We see wars and rumors of wars happening. Homelessness is at all-time high, the economy is getting worse by the day, and gas prices continue to rise. Racism and division have reared its ugly head up once again and leaders in this country are promoting it and not even trying to hide it. This country is moving backwards instead of forward and the enemy is trying to bombard us with bad news on a daily basis. However, the Psalmist tells us not to focus on the negative, but to look to God for our help and our strength. When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed with life, meditate on Psalms 121.
Blessings & Peace