Sunday, March 16, 2025
HOH is looking for volunteers to join the church security team! Please see Brother Charles McGee for more details.
If you or someone you know is in need of an emergency food basket, please see Deaconess Joyce.
Sunday, March 09, 2025
HOH is looking for volunteers to join the church security team! Please see Brother Charles McGee for more details.
If you or someone you know is in need of an emergency food basket, please see Deaconess Joyce.
**Effective Immediately: Due to the rise in COVID cases and the low numbers getting the vaccine, HOH has reinstated the mask mandate during Sunday services.
Anyone that would like to advertise their business in the Sunday program, HOH will post your advertisement monthly for: $25-quarter page; $50 half page; and $75 full page.
Wednesday Night “Power Hour” Zoom meetings at 7:00 p.m.
To connect to the Zoom login for Wednesday night online Bible Study, click on Zoom in the menu above. Once you are on the zoom site enter the Meeting ID #6061284781 and follow the prompts.
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
If you cannot make it to church, go to the HOH website and stream the sermon starting at 11:45 a.m. every Sunday.
Sunday School
There will be a brief break from children’s church Sunday September 3rd & 10th. Service will resume September 17th with a fresh start for fall.
Snow Storms
If there is a snow storm please call the church number at 303-364-1840. You will be given information regarding cancellation of church service on Sunday morning.
All flyers need prior approval before they are posted at HOH.
Hope’s Kidz Breakfast Club
Hope’s Kidz Breakfast Club is every Sunday! The arrival time for attendees will be at 10:30, no later than 10:45. There will be healthy options to nourish our children before service.
Prayer time with the Father – NOW Twice Daily
Join us for prayer during the week at Noon and at 6:00 pm. Please encourage family and friends to join us. Please join us at one or both times for prayer! Prayer line: 757-841-1308 Access Code: 4072166#
You can also email us your prayer request at hohannouncementrequest@gmail.
Emergency Food Baskets are available at HOH! Please contact Deaconess Joyce Stanley for more details.
Business Cards
If anyone would like church business cards to hand out to family and friends, please stop by the welcome center.
Thank you
Thank you for continuing to give your tithes and offerings online!